Biyernes, Agosto 4, 2017

Important Rules in Taking Stack Supplements

While it’s true that pre-workout nutrition supplements increase muscle growth and can give you more energy, there are some side-effects you should be aware of. Not all pre-workout nutrition supplements are dangerous per say, but it’s important to know what it is your are taking and exactly what you’re in for. Be vigilant about what you take and always read your labels. By the time our food has been harvested, refined, packaged, transported and left on supermarket shelves, a lot of its original nutrients are lost. Eating the highest quality food can offset this challenge considerably, but it's expensive and not always practical. As a work around, experts recommend that everyone takes a multi vitamin and multi mineral supplement each day to keep their body enriched with essential nutrients.

Many people who use pre workout nutrition supplements to up the ante on their gains don’t just stick to one. They “stack” them up, mixing different products and substances together to create their perfect “super-supplement” combination. Sometimes this combination is right; other times, it can be quite dangerous. Different substances may have an adverse reaction to one another, or they may “double up” with one another and cause dangerous reactions. Stacking two stimulates pre-workout nutrition is extremely dangerous and is never recommended; stacking a stimulant pre-workout nutrition supplement with a non-stimulant pre-workout supplement is less dangerous, but carries its own risks. Consult with a personal trainer who specializes in muscle gains and supplements before taking any pre-workout supplements, and especially before stacking two different products together.

Having said all that, taking pre-workout nutrition supplements or any supplement for that matter is a personal choice. If you decide pre-workout nutrition supplements are right for you, here a important rules to follow.
  • Use only the recommended dosage. Never double or triple up because you think it’s not working for you anymore. This is dangerous to your health.
  • Use in cycles. It’s easy to take a supplement daily or every time you exercise, but just like with exercise, your body gets used to taking certain pre- workout nutrition supplements. Eventually, these substances won’t yield the same results. Try taking one week off for every week you use it, and be sure to give your body time to re-adjust.
  • Keep in mind that if taken regularly, you will become desensitized to caffeine or other supplements. This means you will inevitably require higher and higher doses to feel the effects. This can put a great deal of stress on your adrenal glands and possibly lead to adrenal fatigue.
  • Do not mix any pre-workout nutrition supplements with other stimulants like coffee, Redbull or stimulant drugs like amphetamines. Almost all pre-workout supplements already come with a mega-dose of caffeine, or contain other ingredients that are not meant to be mixed with caffeine such as synephrine. Stacking on your own accord is very dangerous, and could mess with your heart and put a strain on your organs.
Any chemicals consumed regularly will undoubtedly have negative effects on the body long term, so be aware, read your labels and make sure you’re being smart about your pre workout nutrition supplements.

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