Miyerkules, Oktubre 17, 2018

BCCA – Muscle Growth

Currently, BCAA (the acronym of branched chain amino acids) is now one of the most sought-after supplementary nutrients for people engaged in body-building and fitness programs. As had been proven by numerous studies on the use of supplements, these amino acids are vital to gaining skeletal muscles.

Likewise, this amino acid group had been found to be just as helpful in maintaining the body mass on calorie-deficit diets. For body-building enthusiasts who want their physiques lean and trim, this aspect is a bonus.

Essential factors

This group of essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) is 35% of the total muscle protein content of the body. Experts group them as essential although they have to be sourced from outside the body in order to be able to use them.

Like all nutrients, they can come from natural food around. However, they are now manufactured by big nutrition companies in the most stringent and scientific methods. Mostly, they are part of the large group of other amino acids that make proteins for the body.

These amino acids, however, aid in the preservation of glycogen stores in the3 body which is the main fuel for the muscles. Likewise, they also help minimize protein breakdown during intensive gym sessions.


During workouts, these branched chain amino acids literally provide fuel for the skeletal muscles. As supplement, they help the body hold on to its glycogen store. During the workout process, the glycogen has a supply of energy resource to tap into.

With the synergy, the body avoids breaking down muscle proteins for energy use. It is beneficial two-fold—it helps sustain the muscles and protects them. For the body-builder, the increased energy is translated into more repetitions in the routines.


After an intense workout, these amino acids help in enhancing the recovery of the muscle proteins. This is especially true when carbs are also present in the4 consumption. (The leucine is the main performer among the three.)

Overall, the nutrient plays a regulating genetic signaling pathway involved in the muscle protein synthesis. (In the chain, the mixes are usually higher in leucine than the other two.)

During gym routines, the acids aids in getting more intense workout. In the routines, serotonin levels can rise and makes one fatigued and unable to push through. The branched chain amino acids reduce the serotonin, thus one can work harder and longer.


In some ways, the branched chain amino acids stimulate the muscle protein synthesis. This is the metabolic process where the body produces new muscle protein.

With increased consumption, the body piles up on more benefits. For one, it decreases the protein breakdown pathway. They also help decrease the expression of several complexes involved in the breakdown of proteins.

With the combination in the increase of the synthesis and the decrease in breakdown, there is now muscle gain that results in the process (or at least maintaining the same level.) When the synthesis rate is equal to the breakdown, there is no gain or loss in muscles. With BCAA, there is higher synthesis than the breakdown resulting in muscle growth.

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