Biyernes, Marso 30, 2018

Nutrition Is the Key for Successful Training

To get the most out of your intense gym sessions you need to have a well-though-out exercise plan, plenty of sleep and good food. Eating the right kind and amount of food both before and after your gym session is crucial to your success. Eating gluten rich carbs just before your gym rendezvous is only going to bloat you. Well, the right thing to do is to eat a balanced meal about 1-2 hours before your workout session. The meal should include moderately digesting carbohydrates and a good source of protein. Your pre workout nutrition should include low carbs to give you the energy you’ll need, and protein-rich foods to store in reserve. Pre-workout nutrition for a cardio session requires more carbs than protein. Carbs give you the energy to power through an intense workout. Carbs are metabolized into energy very quickly. Your pre workout nutrition should be consumed between 30-60 minutes before hitting the gym. Add protein and fiber to deliver a steadier supply of energy throughout the workout and prevent fatigue resulting from consuming only carbs. Low glycemic index (GI) carbs release sugar into the bloodstream more slowly and tend to contain more essential nutrients like fiber. They are generally optimal to consume 30-60 minutes prior to either a strength training or cardio workout. Carbohydrates are responsible for refueling the muscles by getting stored in the body in the form of glycogen. When the levels of glycogen reduce in the body, we feel fatigued. During workout sessions, stored glycogen is used up by the body to give energy. If carbohydrates are not taken before the workout, the stored glycogen will be completely used up and it will have no backup energy left for the body which ultimately leads to workout energy. The carbohydrates taken before workout must be simple carbohydrates like fruits or fruit juices. A special sports drink can help in such cases.

Most people who are expecting to building muscles then BCAAs becomes very essential for them. For others, proteins post-workout helps in repairing the muscles and tissues which have worn off during an intense workout. Drinking milk is a very good option for post-workout foods. Foods like meat and eggs have BCAA in them which becomes an ideal post workout food. Studies have shown that caffeine helps in improving the endurance during the workout sessions. When it comes to caffeine supplement, the dosage is very important because an overdose of caffeine can make you nauseous and nervous. If you are suffering from caffeine sensitivity, then you can avoid taking this as you might get nausea. Whey protein concentrate and isolate are best to post workout supplement because whey helps in a quick boost in the muscle recovery and it also helps in quick muscle growth. Whey hydrolysate and casein helps in increasing the absorption of amino acids in the body making it an excellent post workout supplement.  Vitamin C supplement is mostly taken to deal with common cold and cough but that’s not all. Vitamin C helps in dealing with the stress which could be a strenuous workout as well. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps in dealing with the metabolic stress. Vitamin C helps in strengthening the immune system during an intense workout.

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