Linggo, Abril 15, 2018

Getting Supplements In Your Routine Workout

Supplements are the way of the health and fitness lifestyle. Whether you are trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve performance, supplements provide you with that extra edge you are going to need before, during, and after your workouts. One trend you may have noticed is the domination of pre-workout supplements in health food stores and on fitness websites. Pre workout supplements are terrific. They give you a much needed boost after a very long day so that you can get into the gym and own it. Rarely though do you hear about an effective post workout supplement. If you want to ensure and protect your gains while supporting the recovery process, you need to make sure your supplementation program doesn’t stop when your workout does.

What you need in some post workout supplement ingredients:
Caffeine has been in the supplement industry for a long time and rightly so as it works so well. It may come as no surprise but caffeine’s efficiency as a pre-workout supplement has been well documented. When it comes to boosting alertness, amplifying endurance, and increasing peak performance, caffeine is magic.

Another non-essential amino acid, citrulline has become quite popular after it was discovered to be a valuable ally in amplifying your energy and performance while supporting the post workout recovery process. There are two ways in which it does this: To provide you with energy, citrulline is converted into the highly efficient adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. As for the post-workout benefits, citrulline helps to soothe soreness and quicken the healing process by removing lactic acid build-up from the muscles. A buildup of lactic acid is the reason that you feel so sore the day after your workout. Like all the other supplements on this list, citrulline is backed up by several studies.

The only other supplement to compete with caffeine in terms of time in the industry and usage, creatine is a non-essential amino acid that is extremely popular. Like caffeine, it has earned its reputation. Creatine supplies energy to the muscle through the creation of ATP. While your body makes approximately one gram per day, imagine what could happen when you supplement with a 5 gram serving. Creatine is more than just an energy booster, it also has a crucial role in increasing lean muscle mass and endurance. Study after study has confirmed these amazing benefits, making it the go to supplement for bodybuilders and weekend warriors alike.

VITAMIN B12 (Methylcobalamin)
Vitamin B12 is getting the recognition it deserves in the field of natural medicine and the fitness industry. As doctors supplement patients with B12 for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, fitness enthusiasts are supplementing themselves to boost performance. Vitamin B12 supplementation has been shown to contribute to boosting the immune system to help with the post-workout recovery process. The intensity of the workouts performed by athletes, bodybuilders, and extreme fitness enthusiasts can become problematic for the body if proper supplementation is not administered. Vitamin B12 has also been shown to elevate energy and amplify peak performance.

It's possible to prepare for an intense workout by eating something like a banana with about 100 calories of carbohydrates and a cup of coffee if you need a burst of energy. But a post workout supplements that packs a few extra ingredients may make your training a bit more effective.

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