Biyernes, Pebrero 23, 2018

BCAAs Job in Your Body

BCAA stands for “branched-chain amino acids.” These amino acids make up 30 percent of your muscle mass and are usually used in hopes of reducing muscle soreness, supporting muscle growth, and sustaining muscle mass. BCAA supplements are essential, which means that they must be consumed through what you eat and drink, as opposed to non-essential, meaning that your body can manufacture them for you with proper nutrition. Your body needs BCAAs to sustain you, but you don’t necessarily have to get them from a supplement, especially if you don’t work out. For many people who aren’t trying to build or sustain muscle, diet alone gives them all the BCAAs they need. When you are training to develop a stronger, more powerful body, it is essential to stimulate and fuel your muscles at the cellular level. Branch chain amino acids (BCAA's), valine, leucine, and isoleucine, make up approximately 1/3 of muscle protein. Taking BCAA supplements reduces muscle fatigue, speed recovery, decrease the loss of other amino acids from muscle during exercise and help the body absorb protein. A deficiency in any one of these aminos will cause muscle loss. Unlike other amino acids, BCAA's are metabolized in the muscle and not the liver. The big benefit you'll experience if you supplement your diet with branched-chain amino acids is that you can rest assured that you will not experience deficiencies in overall amino acid levels. Many of those who are on highly restricted diets will run the risk of not taking in the essential amino acids, so this supplement helps make up for that.

BCAA's act as nitrogen carriers which assist the muscles in synthesizing other aminos needed for anabolic muscle action. In simpler terms, it is a combining of simpler aminos to form a complex whole muscle tissue. Therefore, BCAA supplements stimulates production of insulin, the main function of which is to allow circulating blood sugar to be taken up by the muscle cells and used as a source of energy. This insulin production promotes amino acid uptake by the muscle. BCAA's are both anabolic and anti-catabolic because of their ability to significantly increase protein synthesis, facilitate the release of hormones such as growth hormone (GH), IGF-1, insulin and helps maintain a favorable testosterone to cortisol ratio. For optimum results in supplement form, it is desirable to take your branch chains separately from the other amino groupings if for no other reason than the fact that they totally dominate the race for entry into the body systems. Basically, they account for upward to 80-90 percent of the total amino acid uptake in the three-hour period following a meal. Many individuals do a good job of making sure they are taking in enough protein and carbohydrates during the pre- and post-workout period. More often, they will even go to the extent of looking into other supplements that will help them take their results further, such as creatine or glutamine, but yet still overlook the benefits of a good branched-chain amino acid product.

Keeping in mind that the main component BCAA uptake is elevated blood sugar and insulin spike. Taking BCAA supplements with each meal and before and after a workout is ideal. They should also be taken within 30-60 minutes preceding and following an intense workout to assist in muscle regenerate process and create premium anabolic conditions.

Biyernes, Pebrero 16, 2018

Eating and Supplementation

The most important reason to eat something after you work out is to ignite an insulin response. Insulin is a highly anabolic hormone, and spiking it halts protein breakdown and helps encourage protein synthesis. Skipping this meal means you will miss out on these anabolic effects. You will only encourage further protein breakdown, which over time leads to a loss of mass.  To make it short, eating after you exercise helps builds muscle and end protein breakdown for better recovery. It is also important to warm up before you exercise by beginning with 5 to 10 minutes of light activity such as riding an stationary bike, walking briskly and jogging following with stretching’s that put your muscles and joints through the full range of motion they’ll use during your workout. If you’re going to work out your arms, stretch first by performing arm swings or arm circles.

Liquid post workout supplement have a number of things going for them and convenience which make them the preferably choice because:
·         Liquid meals are convenient
·         Liquid drinks are palatable
·         They tend to be nutritionally dense and offer everything needed specifically for post workout success
·         It is easily digested and can be done quickly straight after a session
Also, one of the great thing aside from mentioned is that there are so many options available. The popularity of post workout supplement has forced manufacturers to widen the market in order to meet the needs of the consumers. Keep in mind that consuming an adequate amount of protein after a workout gives your body the amino acids it needs to repair and rebuild these proteins. It also gives you the building blocks required to build new muscle tissue. Studies have shown that ingesting 20 to 40 grams of protein maximizes the body's ability to recover after workout. Your body and its glycogen stores are used as fuel during exercise, and consuming carbs after your workout helps them replenish. The rate at which your glycogen stores are used depends on the activity like endurance sports cause your body to use more glycogen than resistance training. For this, if you participate in endurance sports such as running, swimming and other sports, you might need to consume more carbohydrates than a bodybuilder.

Eating plenty of carbohydrates to rebuild glycogen stores are most important for people who workout often. If you have 1 or 2 days to rest between exercises, then this becomes less important. After your workout, your body is absolutely active and ready to accept protein and carbs so it can immediately begin putting these nutrients to good use doing all of the hard things you want it to be doing during your workout.

Most people also feel that calorie partitioning which how calories are used once they enter your body is at its very best at this time to do resulting people often make this their largest meal of the day. And importantly, it’s most often recommended to consume your post workout supplement and meal as soon after your workout.

Lunes, Pebrero 12, 2018

Fueling Your Body Together With Supplements

Having more energy during a workout is a great benefit and this boost is due to one key ingredient: caffeine. A pre-workout supplement online product containing caffeine acts as a powerful stimulant, helping you feel energized and ready to take on any daily activities in your life and more importantly, your workout. When caffeine and arginine are combined, the result is an even more powerful but keep in mind that not all people can handle caffeine and it may cause medical issues especially to people with heart problems. The key is to have the right combination of ingredients that put some “kick” in your routine, while remaining safe to use every day.

As people more and more buy pre-workout supplements online, you also must consider to have these in your body while working out:

Your muscle uses glucose from carbs as a fuel. For short- and high-intensity exercise, your muscle and liver stores of glycogen are your muscles' main source of energy. But for longer exercises, the degree to which carbs are used depends on several factors. These include the intensity, type of training and your overall diet. Your muscles' glycogen stores are only limited as these stores become depleted, your output and intensity diminish. Studies have consistently shown the ability of carbs to increase glycogen stores and utilization while boosting carb oxidation during workout.

Many studies have documented the potential of pre-workout protein consumption to improve athletic performance. Consuming protein alone or with carbs prior to exercise has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis. Some research showed a positive anabolic response after the ingestion of 20 grams of whey protein before exercise.

Other benefits of eating protein before exercise include:
·         A better anabolic response, or muscle growth
·         Improved muscle recovery
·         Increased strength and lean body mass
·         Increased muscle performance
While glycogen is used for short- and high-intensity bouts of exercise, fat becomes the source of fuel for longer and moderate-to-low-intensity exercise. Some studies have investigated the effects of fat intake on athletic performance. However, these studies looked at high-fat diets over a long period of time, rather than prior to exercise. Carbs help maximize glycogen stores for high-intensity exercise, while fat helps fuel your body for longer, less intense workouts. Protein improves muscle protein synthesis and helps with recovery.

When choosing a pre-workout make sure that there are no ingredients to which you are allergic or sensitive to. Propriety blend supplements without any ingredient list are also not recommended. As with any medicine or supplement there’s a chance you may have an adverse reaction so always check the label for known allergens or the manufacturer website for side effects. Many pre-workout supplements online contain high doses of stimulants, so it’s best to ask for a professional help or experiment with a trial dose and see how you respond before increasing the dose to the manufacturer’s recommendations. And the stimulating effects means pre-workouts should not be taken too late in the day so they don’t affect sleep. The pre-workout era has changed a lot and companies are investing more and more into the research to produce amazing ground breaking pre-workout supplement products. Buying pre-workout supplements online could contain creatine as well as other ingredients in proprietary blends. Always study and have a look at what all ingredients might constitute to a good pre-workout supplement.