Huwebes, Mayo 18, 2017

Nutritional Needs For Workout

At their workout, all pre-workout nutrition formulas are similar. They contain a blend of science-sounding compounds that claim to increase blood flow to muscles, boost energy production, and more quickly clear out metabolites that would otherwise fatigue your muscles faster. Typically, you’ll find creatine, arginine, beta-alanine, carnitine, citrulline, to name a few. All of these are also found in the body and supplementation, with a few of them actually does have proven benefits in the proper doses and with consistent intake. Here are a few well-researched ingredients with notable benefits, and ones you should look out for when considering a supplement:

Fruit and Yogurt
Fruit is high in carbohydrates and Greek yogurt is packed with high-quality protein. People tend to skip fruit and other foods that are high in carbs, but protein doesn’t break down fast enough to become fuel for a workout. The carbs from fruit break down quickly and the protein is used later to prevent muscle damage.

Bananas are loaded with digestible carbohydrates (read: fuel) and are packed with potassium, which aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function. The body doesn’t store potassium for very long, so a medium banana before a workout will help keep nutrient levels high. Experts especially recommend bananas for morning exercisers: Get up and eat a medium banana with 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt. Wait about 30 minutes and then hit the gym. Your body will need the carbohydrates and protein.”

Oats are full of fiber, which means they gradually release carbohydrates into your bloodstream, Burke points out. (But they’re not so full of fiber that they’ll cause gas.) This steady stream keeps your energy levels consistent during your workout. Oats also contain B vitamins, which help convert carbohydrates into energy. Help yourself to one cup at least 30 minutes before you begin exercising.

Wholegrain bread
A slice of wholegrain bread is a good source of carbohydrates. And it has flexible partners. Top it off with jam or honey for more fuel or sliced up hard-boiled eggs for high-quality protein.” If you’re hitting the gym during your lunch break, grab some bread about 45 minutes before you head out. Top it with a couple slices of turkey. At this time of day, you should eat about 30 grams of carbohydrates and 15 to 20 grams of protein.”

Pre-workout nutrition makes big promises to boost your performance, and with those promises come high price tags. You supposedly get a burst of energy, fatigue less easily, and increase blood flow, all to help you get more out of your workout. The thing is, these supplements are really just powerful stimulants. Most commonly known as the supplement people reach for when they feel a common cold coming on, vitamin C plays an essential role in helping the body deal with stress, whether from environmental factors or a strenuous workout schedule, Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which helps with dealing with metabolic stress and training is metabolic stress.

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