Biyernes, Marso 29, 2019

Trans4orm – Easier Weight Loss Program

In the West these days, there is a current and creeping silent scourge: obesity. These days, losing weight is now foremost in the minds of the people living in progressive countries where food is plenty while there is also a parallel rise in cardiovascular diseases. Trans4orm is one big help.

In a sense, the most effective, the surest and a very healthy way of losing weight is simply to cut down on one’s food intake to be supplemented with the right exercise routines to shed off excess calories in the body which can transform into unwanted fats later on.

Science have helped come up with nutritional supplements to help the body shed off fats and losing weight in the process. Sometimes called fat-burners, these diet supplements help in losing weight by simply increasing the body’s metabolic process.

The end result raises the levels of fat-burning hormones, mobilize the stored fats and curb one’s appetite as well. These supplements, like Trans4orm, have components that are all natural and are best known as effective fat burners.

Green tea / caffeine
Caffeine and green tea are the best known among fat-burners. Caffeine is one substance that helps stimulate the metabolism of the body. The importance is that it releases more of the body’s fat for use as energy. By burning more fat, the body will spare its carbohydrates and enhance its endurance during exercise routines.

On the other hand, green tea has the powerful catechins which also work as a stimulant to trigger the body’s metabolism faster. In doing so, fats are burned. In some reports, it had been noted that it works fine with caffeine and they make a good working tandem.

The other ingredients have their own specific work even if they are not thermogenic as the other two.

Thermogenic work

Caffeine and green tea in the supplement increases the body’s metabolism to trigger more burning of the body’s calories. The other ingredients actually help in limiting the amount of fat that gets absorbed by the body.

Instead, these fats (ass calories) are burned quickly away. Some of the ingredients work this way even if they do not have thermogenic abilities as caffeine and green tea.

Other substances

The other elements in Trans4orm have their own vital work cut out for them. They usually enhance the other elements with thermogenic qualities. Yohimbin, as an example, works by supporting the weight management work of the others, mostly in a fasted way.

Bioperine helps in increasing the bioavailability of the other substances. The Hupperzia extracts help in one’s concentration and focus. On the other hand, the B complex vitamins (B3 / B6 / B12 and folic acid) promote the energy production in the cellular level and support the levels of the body’s metabolism as well.

Some figures

Losing weight, one needs a caloric deficit of around 3,500 calories per pound. This means eating less and exercising more. With the deficit, up to 1,000 calories everyday, can work out to up to 1 or 2 pounds lost per week.

Trans4orm can reduce the hard part (eating less, exercising more) while still achieving the weight loss one wants.

Trans4orm – Nutritional Fat-Burner Supplement

Trans4orm is a nutritional supplement formulated by EVL aimed as a fat-burner to help burn away fats. Using the natural thermogenic qualities of its top ingredients, it raises the body metabolism which is an effective fat burner, including some qualities like suppressing appetite craving.

The ingestion of these fat-burning ingredients is encouraged while taking a close watch on the dieter’s stimulant intake. The fat-burners are deemed safe on account of its being natural extracts of natural ingredients, and nothing man-made.

Some other recommended tips are as follows.

Calorie retrieval

When one had dieted, and had cycled off the fat-burner, it is important to get back the calories up to par or above the maintenance level. (This is the level where your calories and calorie burn are roughly equal.)

One usual way is the “reverse diet”. This is the systematic and gradual method of raising one’s calorie intake. When you are on a targeted diet phase, the key is to stay

One known way is called “reverse diet”. This is the gradual and systematic method of raising your calorie intake. When you were on your targeted diet phase, the key was to stay in slight caloric deficit. This is consuming fewer calories than you burn.

One idea to remember: don’t think fewer calories intake is better. People think (particularly women) that extreme calorie deficit is a good way to get more out of a calorie burner (a supplement you might be taking).

Dieting limits

One’s dieting efforts need not be prolonged. There is a specific time in the dieting routine to get your results. One suggested dieting plan is from 10 to 14 weeks.

The time frame provided gives one ample time to fine-tune the diet routine for one’s particular food preferences and one’s body activities. (This is one way of monitoring one’s activity level.) If one cheats on the plan occasionally, one should get back to them and to keep moving forward.

Low diet levels

Many diets have cut out calories at very low levels. The results might come out good at the first instance, but not for long. Nutritionists believe that at a certain point, restricting calories does not always lead to weight loss. Also, they might feel too unpleasant and is not sustainable to many.

The main goal should be feeling good and being healthy at the same time, not just looking lean. The ideal goal is to eat the highest amount of calories you can, while losing some weight in the process.

Over the top

Some people can help but drink a cup of coffee in the mornings. Now if one adds another 3 or 4 more cups of coffee throughout the day, there is need to be careful in choosing a fat burner with stimulants. Unless they declare they are stimulant-free, most fat burners contain coffee, yohimbin or some others.

While one enjoys the Trans4orm energizing effects of the high caffeine intake, the action mixes the fat burners with multiple cups of coffee. As it is, there is an upper limit for the effectiveness of stimulants which is different for everyone. Trans4orm has the right measured mix.

Lunes, Marso 25, 2019

Trans4orm – Thermogenic Properties

All over the world, there is some kind of an epidemic where people are getting obese, and the number is rising.  The risks on their health are also rising in tandem with their betting fat. These are mostly related to cardio vascular illnesses. Fortunately, there is now a concerted effort in fighting obesity, including the use of Trans4orm, a leading fat burning supplement. 

Similar with the others in the market these days, this popular supplement is a mix of natural extracts and o0tyher known fat-burning substances, known to be thermogenic.

Thermogenic substances

The fat-burning substances that are classified as thermogenic are those that have the body burn more calories, even while being at rest in some. (There are other substances that are not thermogenic but the fat loss is done through limiting the amount of fat that is absorbed.)

Thermogenic substances are natural extracts that help in burning away calories by raising the body’s metabolism. As booster, they give energy the one usually gets from a higher calorie diet while inhibiting one’s appetite.

Some of these fat-burners have fat blockers. Blockers bind to the fat molecules which prevents the body from absorbing them.

The most common weight-loss supplements are thermogenic. Some of them were mistakenly classified as thermogenic dietary supplements but were not. (These were later corrected.)

Currently, there are now many safe and successful fat-loss substances used as supplements and are classified as thermogenic. The most effective of the lot are green tea, caffeine, and some other substances that are in combination with others to enhance their effectiveness and potency.

Green tea / caffeine

With a load of supporting evidence, experts now conclude that the most effective thermogenic fat-burner supplement are those that contain caffeine and green tea extracts. The benefits from green tea have been discovered as resulting in the combination of caffeine and catechins.

Catechins have almost the same effect as caffeine in its ability to reduce the caloric intake while speeding up metabolism. They show a synergistic effect when they are combined, giving more benefits in weight loss than when they are used (consumed) separately.

Additional benefits

As an addition to exercising, green tea has been found to increase abdominal fat loss. On the other hand, caffeine seems to have some dual effects by raising the body metabolism and making one eat less (appetite suppressant).

The other elements of the supplement are also included in the combination to enhance the other elements in thermogenesis. Yohimbin, for example, likewise supports weight management in a fasted state while biopherine increases the bioavailability of the others.

Helping in concentration is the hupperzia extract while the B complex vitamins promote cellular energy production while also supporting the levels of the body’s metabolism.

Diet and exercise

It had been established in the past that the combination of making dietary changes and doing health exercise routines are more beneficial regarding the weight loss and the improvement of the body’s composition.

Doing either one of these is not very effective. The cardio helps burn calories just like strength training which builds muscles while losing weight. Trans4orm is a big boost.

Biyernes, Marso 15, 2019

Trans4orm – Combining the Best

There is a current epidemic of obesity that’s plaguing the world today. In most progressive countries and in much of the developing economies, losing weight is foremost on the minds of health-conscious people. Trans4orm, the new diet supplement that helps shed unwanted fat is now making waves.

For some practical-minded people, the surest and most effective way of losing weight is to simply cut back on one’s intake of food. However, cutting calories from the food sounds and looks doable. The caveat is that it can also create more problems, because it creates nutritional deficits in the body.

Sometimes called fat burners, these diet supplements help lose weight by way of increasing the body’s metabolic rates, raise the levels of fat-burning hormones, mobilize stored fats and curb one’s appetite. The primary reason is the inclusion of some of nature’s best-known and effective fat-burners.

The main work of caffeine is it helps stimulated the metabolism of the body. This is important because it releases more of the body’s fat for use as energy. In turn, by burning more fat, the body will spare the carbohydrates and enhance one’s endurance during exercise.

The domino effect is that it also helps in enhancing the effects of fat burning substances like green tea, for instance. With the proper ingestion of these, the body’s metabolism rises throughout the whole day and best consumers mornings or in times before a workout.


These two are the top items that a supplement can have that can increase a body’s metabolism and thus burning more of the body’s calories even when a person is at rest or inactive. Some of the ingredients of fat burners are not necessarily thermogenic.

They help by limiting the amount of fat that gets absorbed by the body rather than causing it to burn quickly. These substances included in fat-burning supplements have these qualities one way or the other.


Among the many items in the fat burner supplements, caffeine and green tea rank as the supplements that have the most of the supporting evidence. Caffeine has the dual benefits of raising metabolic processes, while making it at the same to suppress much of your cravings for food.

In the same report, it was noted that the benefits coming from the green tea are most likely due to the combination of beneficial substances called catechins and caffeine. Both have the same effects on the body by increasing the metabolism and making it so that the person eats less to begin with.  

Catechins and caffeine may have some synergistic effects when combined by providing more benefits for weight loss than either of these two substances when consumed separately.

Losing weight

To lose weight, one needs to create a caloric deficit of around 3,500 calories per pound of weight loss.
This means eating less and exercising more. With the combination, the deficit could count up to 1,000 calories per days that could result in a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week.

With trans4orm, the hard part (eating less, exercising more) is reduced while achieving the same weight loss goals for oneself.

Sabado, Marso 2, 2019

Concept Of Taking BCAA Supplements

Many people take BCAA supplements during intense training exercises, thinking that it will prevent the breakdown of muscle mass. However, during physical activity, carbohydrates are the best source of energy for the muscles therefore, it is rather an insufficient of carbohydrates that could cause the degradation of proteins to provide the muscles with the missing energy. This also results in decreasing performance since proteins are not an effective source of energy for the muscles. BCAA supplements are popular these days, with many companies producing quality amino acids.

BCAA supplements nowadays uses fermented amino acids that are produced in a pharmaceutical lab and tested to be free from allergens and other harsh chemicals. Generally, anything that you eat reaches your stomach. The hydrochloric acid and digestive juices from the pancreas breaks everything down into proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The small intestine break complex proteins into simple amino acid chains, while the large intestine extracts traces of nutrients and water from the digested matter where the excretory system takes over. As a result, most amino acids are transported to the liver for their metabolism but BCAAs have a different route where Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine are among the nine essential acids that are metabolized in the muscle and skeletal cells, not in the liver.

Branched-chain amino acids can work wonders for overall brain function and there’s even studies prove that BCAAs can help repair the cognitive damage. If you want to feel sharper and at least partially mitigate symptoms of menopausal or “brain fog” for women, then include BCAAs in your diet. BCAA supplements can act as anti-catabolic substrates during a fast since they are insulinogenic amino acids; insulin is a hormone that strongly inhibits protein breakdown (catabolism). By taking BCAA supplements, even the slight increase in plasma insulin can indirectly suppress hepatic gluconeogenesis by reducing proteolysis in muscle and other tissues. In the brain, BCAAs have two important influences on the production of neurotransmitters. As nitrogen donors, they contribute to the synthesis of excitatory glutamate and inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). They also compete for transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) with tryptophan (the precursor to serotonin), as well as tyrosine and phenylalanine (precursors for catecholamines). Ingestion of BCAA supplements causes rapid elevation of the plasma concentrations and increases uptake of BCAAs to the brain, but diminishes tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine uptake.

The decrease in these aromatic amino acids directly affects the synthesis and release of serotonin and catecholamines. Oral BCAA supplements have been studied and show promising results as for treating neurological diseases such as motor malfunction, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spin cerebral degeneration. Excitotoxicity as a result of excessive stimulation by neurotransmitters such as glutamate results in cellular damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The concept of taking BCAA supplements is that muscle protein synthesis is limited by biochemical processes and that these supplements will initiate that process. These BCAA supplements on average, around three times more effective at promoting muscle growth than whey protein.