Sabado, Disyembre 23, 2017

Branch Chain Amino Acid Supplementation

The branch chain amino acid supplement or BCAAs have the three essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine. From a chemical structure each of these amino acids has a forked outcropping that looks a lot like a branch.  This ability of BCAAs to delay fatigue via this brain mechanism also means that branch chain amino acid supplement is not just beneficial for the body but also in the brain as well. By reducing levels of exercise-induced 5-HT in the brain, you reduce mental fatigue, which keeps you sharper mentally. This is one reason that endurance athletes and other high-intensity competitors take branch chain amino acid supplement which is to keep sharp when they're approaching physical exhaustion. Many people take on branch chain amino acid supplement throughout the work day for the same reason. They are metabolized primarily in skeletal muscles, while other amino acids are metabolized in the liver, which is why some think they must take branch chain amino acid supplement if they're engaging in strenuous exercise. BCAAs are often referred to help repair damaged muscles, decrease muscle soreness and increase muscle function. Some research shows that BCAA supplementation before and after exercise has beneficial effects for decreasing exercise-induced muscle damage and promoting muscle-protein synthesis.

The intake of branch chain amino acid supplement may promote an anabolic hormone profile which is causing muscle repair after workouts while also decreasing the likelihood of training-induced muscle damage. A study examined a group of men and women given BCAA supplements and others given a placebo as they did multiple testing days involving intense activities which were used to promote delayed muscle soreness. Both sexes reported less soreness when they were given the supplements. Studies like this one and many others lead experts to believe it's possible to consider branch chain amino acid supplement as a useful for muscle recovery. Branch chain amino acid supplement appears to be safe for most people when used. Side effects may include fatigue and loss of coordination. For healthy people, excess protein hasn't been proven to be harmful. Athletes on high protein diets should stay well-hydrated, as water loss can be increased from nitrogen excretion during protein breakdown.

In the absence of branch chain amino acid supplement, testosterone levels drop to baseline levels when exercise is stopped. However, branched chain amino acids have been shown to keep testosterone elevated for up to several hours after exercise which explains that protein synthesis can take place long after the last repetition has been completed. The branch chain amino acid supplement is clearly great mass-building supplements, but they also can aid in fat loss. Researchers have yet to determine precisely how this happens, but they've offered up several theories to explain the startling results they've seen.

One of the first studies to discover this benefit was on competitive wrestlers, which found that those who were supplementing with BCAAs while following a low-calorie diet experienced a greater drop in body fat, particularly in the waist, as compared to those taking a placebo. Some studies also found that the lifters taking branch chain amino acid supplement lost about twice as much body fat as those people taking whey protein without added branch chain amino acid supplement.

Huwebes, Disyembre 21, 2017

Facts about Pre Workout Supplementation

There are several pre-workout supplements on the market that are specifically formulated to help you get the most out of your workout that include these ingredients. Scientific evidence supports the significant improvement in overall improved strength and muscle synthesis achievable through supplementation.

The popular "pre-workout" beverages currently taking the health and fitness community by storm sound pretty awesome: You down these drinks to up your energy so you can own that gym session and maybe even burn a few extra calories in the process. Buying pre workout supplement online is often sold as powder mixes that are stirred into water and consumed about a half hour before exercising. Though it varies by brand, some drinks contain vitamin C, B vitamins, and supplements like amino acids such as beta-alanine, as well as creatine, and caffeine. These pre workout supplement online are designed to help your muscles withstand fatigue and increase strength. Coffee can stimulate your metabolism and can help you run a bit faster and lift a bit heavier. Aim for a small coffee and drink it 30 to 60 minutes before a workout. Even though those numbers seem small, they can add up over the long run.

Important facts to know before buying a pre workout supplement online:

Some companies claim that ingesting antioxidant compounds like vitamin C, vitamin E and grapeseed extract will protect your tissues from oxidative damage during exercise. While that sounds like a good idea, that logic is not well supported by the scientific literature. When you exercise, you experience structural and metabolic stress. With repeated exposure to that stress over time, the body adapts, making you fitter. In short, it’s the recovery from the stress of training that makes you fitter. High-dose antioxidants do indeed help to blunt the oxidative stress of hard training, but that also means they blunt your training response, too which means if you’re taking antioxidant supplements every time you work out, you may not be getting as fit as you could.

Hydration or electrolytes
If you need an electrolyte supplement before you exercise, you’re walking around dehydrated. Add a little salt to your food, eat potassium-rich vegetables like spinach, Swiss chard and beet greens which is far better than bananas regularly, and drink plenty of water. Electrolyte supplements are most important for people exercising in very hot and humid environments, or for those undertaking endurance events over an hour in duration where electrolyte depletion is a real issue. In these instances, we love sugar-free electrolytes but you don’t need to worry about electrolyte depletion during your sprint intervals.

 Buying pre workout supplements online give your body a physical and cognitive boost that ramps up your performance they’re a must-have supplement for tough gym sessions. If you’ve got an intensive job, you’re on your feet for long periods of time or you need a mental boost to help you concentrate then pre workouts can definitely be used to help you at work. The extra energy can help with productivity and the cognitive enhancers can help with focus, alertness and memory too.

Biyernes, Disyembre 15, 2017

Nutrition Timing

Pre-workout nutrition is as important as having your breakfast, lunch or dinner. When you ingest nutrients at the right time, you can maximize your resistance in training activities. For starters, your workout can include walking or jogging for 30 or 45 minutes or even brisk walking. Great stamina and resistance requires pre-workout nutrition foods. People working out in the gym are often advised to start taking pre workout supplements the moment they hit the gym but for better results, a proper diet and discipline is also a factor.

Several ingredients have been identified to have proven benefits when taken prior to high intensity resistance exercise:
  • Caffeine is a well-known stimulant to the central nervous system. Coffee as we all know stumbles in our mind when we hear “caffeine”. It is suggested that caffeine increases catecholamine concentrations that promote the utilization of fat, therefore sparing intramuscular glycogen, resulting in improved performance .
  • Creatine-Phosphocreatine (PCr) is a major component of biological buffering, a critical element when muscles are exposed to high intensity exercise. Supplementation of creatine stores results in greater pre-exercise PCr availability which improves muscle buffering capacity and accelerates PCr resynthesis during recovery.
  • Vitamin C supplement is usually taken to deal with common cold and cough but that’s not all. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps in dealing with the metabolic stress. Vitamin C helps in strengthening the immune system during a strenuous workout.
  • Beta-alanine acts as something called an acidity buffer: The amino acid-derivative increases the amount of carnosine a buffer that helps prevent declining pH and fatigue in your muscles,. Beta Alanine is a non-proteogenic amino acid that enhances the buffering capacity of muscle, by increasing muscle carnosine concentrations. Carnosine is a dipeptide amino acid that is highly concentrated in muscle and brain tissue. Supplementation of beta-alanine was shown to significantly reduce fatigue in repeated bouts of exhaustive dynamic muscle contractions, due to its ability to increase carnosine content. Think of a supplement with beta-alanine as a couple of extra reps and a bit more muscular endurance.

There are a few things you should keep in mind in a pre-workout nutrition. Be sure to avoid fatty foods before working out fat leaves the stomach very slowly, which means you’ll feel full and sluggish and could cramp up easily. Although carbohydrates are good, you should not get them from raw sugar or candy. Either of those foods will cause a sugar rush and probably a crash while you’re mid-workout. Also, don’t overeat before you workout. These are all snack suggestions, not meals. Eating too much can cause indigestion, sluggishness, nausea and vomiting.

The extra energy will have you digging out those foundations, delivering that tracked package or trimming those trees in no time. Hell, you might even set a world record for the most fence panels painted in a day. Even if you’ve not got a physically demanding job but you need to be ‘switched on’ for long periods of time then a pre workout might help you to stay focused and alert.